Contact us

General information

Use this information when you want to contact anyone who works in the States Greffe.

States Greffe
Morier House
St Helier
Channel Islands

Monday to Thursday 9am - 4.30pm,
Friday 9am - 4pm

01534 441020


States Assembly


If you wish to contact a Member, find full contact information for members here.

Petition the States

You can create a new petition, or search and sign other people's petitions to the States.

Find out more about petitions


​If you wish to make a complaint about any matter of administration by any Minister, or department of the States, or by any person acting on their behalf, you can send your complaint in writing to the Deputy Greffier of the States, States Greffe, Morier House, Halkett Place, St. Helier, Jersey, JE1 1DD


If you are concerned about issues in our Island or have any ideas that you would like discussed we would like to hear your views. You can use our online form to make a submission or comment.

Call us: 01534 441080

Email us:

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