Would the Minister advise Members what remained of the sum allocated by the States to the Jersey Sea Cadets for a new building before the Port Galots scheme was devised with a …
Following the publication in January 2015 of the Fiscal Policy Panel’s pre-Medium-Term Financial Plan report, will the Minister advise Members what his main challenges are and his …
Will the Minister give Members an update on the expenditure on the new police station and whether it is within budget … Senator A.J.H. Maclean (The Minister for Treasury and …
Will the Minister advise Members how much tax revenue has been lost to the Treasury overall, and on an annual basis, since Zero/Ten was introduced, breaking it down into its …
Given that the Fiscal Policy Panel’s annual report stated that the changes proposed in the draft M.T.F.P. may not be sustainable and that there was a risk that they may not be …
Will the Minister advise the Assembly whether he intends to reverse the reduction to the marginal rate of … If you would like to pause for a moment … Does anyone have any machines on …
In light of the forecast deficit, will the Minister, as shareholder representative, advise Members when the States of Jersey Development Company’s 2014 accounts and the evidence …
Will the Minister, using the latest figures, advise members of the total amount of revenue lost on an annual basis through the Zero/Ten tax policy and, in particular, the …