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Showing results for: public services committee - Did you mean phrase: "public services committee"
Results 1-19 of 1919 results found
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  • P.144/2011 Radon Gas Levels and Cancer Rates in Jersey.
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 19/08/2011
    Debate date: 02/11/2011
    b) to undertake a campaign to increase public awareness of the dangers posed by radon gas … I was on the Health and Social Services Committee I vigorously pursued the argument that …
  • P.142/2011 Committee of Inquiry: Centenier Malcolm L'Amy.
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 18/08/2011
    Debate date: 08/11/2011 (Withdrawn)
    nominated a person to the Roads Committee at a Parish Assembly without the Connétable of … A public inquiry into this matter to establish all the facts about Mr L’Amy’s dismissal as …
  • P.171/2010 Ministerial offices: reduction.
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 12/11/2010
    Debate date: 01/02/2011 (Withdrawn)
    times of global recession and curtailing of public services, it is now that we should be … will also be a clear demonstration to the public that we are prepared to reduce the size …
  • P.170/2010 Shadow Boards and Ministerial Boards: approval by the States.
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 11/11/2010
    Debate date: 01/02/2011
    of this nature, consult the Public Accounts Committee, the Privileges and Procedures Committee and the relevant Scrutiny Panel to … DEPUTY P.V.F. LE CLAIRE OF ST. HELIER P.170/2010 …
  • P.109/2010 Work and Residence Permits - establishment of working group
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 30/07/2010
    Debate date: 29/09/2010
    Price code: D 2010 P.109 STATES OF JERSEY WORK AND RESIDENCE PERMITS: ESTABLISHMENT OF … clean and homely, were cramped and the fire service was refused access to the premises …
  • P.93/2010 Pension Scheme for States members
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 06/07/2010
    Debate date: 28/09/2010 (Withdrawn)
    as soon as possible to enable the Committee to lodge the proposals for consideration by … I am not doing it for me now though, as 10 years have passed me by in service
  • P.65/2010 Delegation of functions by Ministers: review of reporting procedures.
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 25/05/2010
    Debate date: 23/06/2010
    on 19th May 2010 by the Minister for Transport and Technical Services (see Appendix 1) we see that certain …
  • P.27/2008 Rear seat-belts and child booster seats
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 12/02/2008
    Debate date: 13/03/2008
    DEPUTY P.V.F. LE CLAIRE OF ST … officers from the Health and Social Services, Home Affairs and Transport and Technical Services Departments, should produce a detailed report …
  • P.166/2006 Public Elections - reduction in voting age to 16
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 05/12/2006
    Debate date: 27/03/2007 (Withdrawn)
    to charge the Privileges and Procedures Committee to bring forward for approval the necessary amendments to the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002 to give effect …
  • P.119/2006 Waterfront Enterprise Board - appointment of Chairman – publication of transcript of in camera debate
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 29/09/2006
    Debate date: 08/11/2006
    As a long-time contributor to public service and to a man who has given more than most to this Island by way of public service and office, there is currently a sense of …
  • P.258/2005 Composting Facilities
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 01/11/2005
    Debate date: 23/05/2006 (Withdrawn)
    to the plans of the Environment and Public Services Committee I was staggered to learn of the … being attributed to La Collette are some of the worst that I have seen in Public Office …
  • P.221/2005 Private hospital development - Scrutiny Review
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 06/10/2005
    Debate date: 28/02/2006 (Withdrawn)
    will continue from the Health and Social Services Committee in being the largest spending branch of the … What fiscal tax breaks, if any, will be open for the public
  • P.220/2005 Draft Emergency Powers and Planning (Amendment No. 2) (Jersey) Law 200-
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 06/10/2005
    Debate date: 17/01/2006
    In my opinion it is vital … of the Policy and Resources Committee, the Home Affairs Committee the Environment and Public Services Committee, the Health and Social Services Committee …
  • P.175/2004 Planning applications - requirement to publicize
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 12/10/2004
    Debate date: 18/01/2005
    to agree that the Environment and Public Services Committee should take immediate steps to ensure … on a specified day each week in order that the public will know where to look …
  • P.74/2004 Fields 519, 520, 521, 524, 527 and 528, Trinity - rescindment of planning permit
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 20/04/2004
    Debate date: 19/10/2004
    had been approved by the Environment and Public Services Committee to Mr.  C.  Gallichan, Woodside Farms, La … b)              representations may be provided by members of the public
  • P.183/2002 Constitution and Membership of the States - referendum
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 08/10/2002
    by States members to do away with the Committee system which many members felt had run its … poll, which was not circulated to the public, clear evidence was given of the Island’s …
  • P.147/2001 Constitution and membership of the States - referendum
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 09/10/2001
    Debate date: 26/02/2002
    I must congratulate them on being so in touch with the public … conducted for the Health and Social Services Committee, which carries one of the highest credibility …
  • P.107/2000 Introduction of Work Permits
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 04/07/2000
    Debate date: 20/11/2001
    to charge the Policy and Resources Committee, in conjunction with the Industries Committee and any other Committee involved, to bring forward proposals for …
  • P.105/1999 Introduction of Work Permits
    Lodged by: Paul Le Claire
    Proposition date: 20/07/1999
    adopted a proposition of the Defence Committee on 26th September 1972 to set up a special Committee of the States to submit recommendations …
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