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Showing results for: Mike Higgins - Did you mean phrase: "Mike Higgins"
Results 1-9 of 99 results found
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  • Title: Did Appointments made by Jersey Ports follow best practice with supplementary questions
    Question type: Oral
    Asked by: Mike Higgins
    Answered by: Minister for Economic Development
    Question date: 17/04/2012
    2.11 Deputy M.R. Higgins of the Minister for Economic Development regarding the … 2.11.1 Deputy M.R. Higgins: In that case I am not going to do it publicly but I shall be …
  • Title: Bellozanne Incinerator chimney temperatures data for Jersey Archive with supplementary questions
    Question type: Oral
    Asked by: Mike Higgins
    Answered by:
    Question date: 17/04/2012
    2.6 Deputy M.R. Higgins of the Minister for Transport and Technical Services regarding the … 2.6.5 Deputy M.R. Higgins: Will the Minister acknowledge that in the past tyres and …
  • Title: Review of States departmental structures by Council of Ministers with supplementary questions
    Question type: Oral
    Asked by: Gerard Baudains
    Answered by: Chief Minister
    Question date: 17/04/2012
    Senator I.J. Gorst (The Chief Minister): Subject to … 2.7.3 Deputy M.R. Higgins: My written question, number 5, to the Chief Minister was asking … Deputy M.R. Higgins: Just trying, Sir …
  • Title: Estimate for Jersey's GVA or GNI 2009 to 2011 and 2012 to 2013 with supplementary questions
    Question type: Oral
    Asked by: Geoffrey Southern
    Answered by: Minister for Treasury and Resources
    Question date: 17/04/2012
    Senator P.F.C. Ozouf (The Minister for Treasury and Resources): Jersey’s G.V.A. was £3.6 billion in 2009 and £3.5 billion in 2010 … The Fiscal Policy Panel in their October update …
  • Title: Questions without notice Chief Minister
    Question type: Oral
    Asked by: Questions without notice
    Answered by: Chief Minister
    Question date: 17/04/2012
    4.3 Deputy M.R. Higgins: I believe when the Human Rights Law was introduced into Jersey … I understand that Mike Taylor of the Jersey Child Protection Committee will be considering …
  • Title: Steps to be taken in light of Aitkenhead report following death of a patient with supplementary questions
    Question type: Oral
    Asked by: Roy Le Hérissier
    Answered by: Minister for Health and Social Services
    Question date: 17/04/2012
    Deputy A.E. Pryke of Trinity (The Minister for Health and Social Services): Patient safety … 2.1.2 Deputy M.R. Higgins: Just to again follow up on this thing about the publication of …
  • Title: Tax payments by wealth residents with supplementary questions
    Question type: Oral
    Asked by: Trevor Pitman
    Answered by: Minister for Treasury and Resources
    Question date: 17/04/2012
    What measures, if any, is he planning to introduce locally to ensure that a level playing … 2.9.6 Deputy M.R. Higgins: Is the Assistant Minister really serious when he says he does …
  • Title: Informed consultation on Housing White Paper with supplementary questions
    Question type: Oral
    Asked by: Geoffrey Southern
    Answered by: Minister for Housing and Communities
    Question date: 17/04/2012
    Deputy A.K.F. Green of St. Helier (The Minister for Housing): The quick answer to that is yes, I … 2.2.2 Deputy M.R. Higgins: While I am on my high horse about people not answering …
  • Title: Questions without notice Treasury and Resources
    Question type: Oral
    Asked by: Questions without notice
    Answered by: Minister for Treasury and Resources
    Question date: 17/04/2012
    In an effort to promote openness and transparency in public life, would the Minister support a proposition which would see all Members of the States Assembly making public their …
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