Secondary Education Funding

Scrutiny review - Children, Education & Home Affairs Panel

Launch date: 22/06/2023

Review status: Call for evidence

What is the review about?

The review's main objective is to establish the requirements of the secondary education system in Jersey and assess whether the funding for secondary education is sufficient to meet these requirements. The review will consider how the funding is impacted by other contextual factors, including:  

  • Student wellbeing, 
  • Teacher and school staff remuneration, recruitment and retention, 
  • The 14+ secondary transfer system, and 
  • Public expectations of what secondary schools should provide. 

The review will also aim to analyse the outcomes of the secondary education system and explore the potential link between these outcomes (for example student qualifications) and the funding allocated to secondary schools.  

In recent years, there has been a deficit reported for Education, which was largely attributable to secondary schools. The Panel wishes to examine how certain changes which have been brought in have impacted this funding situation. These changes include additional Government funding which has been allocated for inclusion, and the 'Jersey Funding Formula for Schools' which was published in October 2022. 

Review progress

To inform its review, the Panel will be liaising with the Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning, Deputy Rob Ward, as well as various industry professionals and stakeholders.

The Panel intends to finish gather evidence during the summer and plans to then present a report of its findings, which will include key recommendations for Ministers, by the autumn of this year. 

Terms of reference

To assess the funding provided by the Government of Jersey for secondary education and examine how it relates to the requirements and outcomes of the secondary education system.   

To consider the adequacy and practicality of the 'Jersey Funding Formula for Schools' in relation to Jersey's secondary schools.  

To review the control, governance, and efficiency of the budget for secondary school education. 

To consider how the funding of secondary education is impacted by other contextual factors including, but not limited to:

  • Requirements for addressing and improving student wellbeing;
  • Teacher and school staff remuneration, recruitment and retention;
  • Covid-19 Education recovery;
  • The application of the Jersey Premium;
  • The 14+ secondary transfer system;
  • The fee-paying and private providers;
  • Government 'value for money' savings; and
  • Public expectations. 

To compare Jersey's secondary education budget provision and funding formula with other jurisdictions.

To consider how secondary education may need to adapt in future and to establish what work the Government is doing to prepare for change.




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