Political Awareness and Education Sub-Committee

​The Sub-Committee was reconstitued in 2022 in order to facilitate closer co-operation between the work of the Privileges and Procedures Committee relating to raising political awareness and engaging with the public about the work of the Assembly. The Sub-Commitee will enage with other bodies working with young people to encourage an interest in politics, particularly Education and Children, Young People, Education and Skills Department.

The next meeting of the Political Awareness and Education Sub-Committee is

Monday 16th September 2024



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Recent activity

​The Sub-Committee has met a number of times and provides regular updates to the Privileges and Procedures Committee.

Terms of reference

  • To facilitate closer co-operation between the work of the Privileges and Procedures Committee relating to raising political awareness and engaging with the public about the work of the Assembly, and those other bodies seeking to engage and encourage the general public's interest in politics, particularly:
    • Education and CYPES
    • School Council Network;
    • The Jersey Youth Service;
    • Minister for International Development and Island Identity Forum;
    • The Diversity Forum;
    • Parish Steering Groups (where relevant);
    • Comité des Connétables;
    • States Greffe (Digital and Public Engagement);
    • The Bailiff;
    • Key Employers;
    • Any other groups where relevant.
(the 'Associated Groups')

  • To raise awareness of entitlement and reasons to vote amongst all Islanders;
  • To identify training needs of individuals working with young people and other relevant professionals and develop age-appropriate teaching materials;
  • To ensure information about the States Assembly is included within the induction programme for all new public sector staff; 
  • To develop a programme to facilitate States Members school visits and collaboration with Education to provide information in schools;
  • To identify proposals and initiatives which will further this work, in conjunction with the Associated Groups and other relevant stakeholders;
  • To distinguish its work from that of the Diversity Forum[1] by informing the public about the current work and structure of the Assembly; and  
  • To deliver regular reports and recommendations to PPC.

[1] The Diversity Forum works towards the aim of the States Assembly fully reflecting the population of Jersey and representing all of the communities and interests in the Island. It aims to increase public engagement in democratic processes, particularly in relation to under-represented groups.

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