States Meeting summary - 16 July

16th July 2024

Question Time 

Questions with notice 


States Members began this week's States Meeting by asking Ministers questions with notice.   


Go to page 5 of the Order Paper to find out which questions were asked and watch from 7 minutes into this morning’s recording to hear questions with notice in full.  


Questions without notice 


States Members then asked the Minister for Infrastructure, Connétable Andy Jehan; the Minister for International Development, Deputy Carolyn Labey; and the Chief Minister, Deputy Lyndon Farnham, questions without notice for 15 minutes. 

Skip to 2 hours and 28 minutes into this morning’s recording to watch the questions without notice  


After the lunch adjournment, Deputy Jonathan Renouf asked the Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Tom Binet, an urgent question relating to the three Public Hearings with former senior officials of Jersey's Health and Community Services Department that happened last Wednesday. 


Watch from the beginning of this afternoon’s meeting to watch the urgent question in full. 


Public Business 



The Minister for Sustainable Economic Development, Deputy Kirsten Morel, proposed a draft Unlawful Public Entertainments (Jersey) Regulations 202- which would provide a framework to make sure that public events can be managed safely with minimal disruption to the public. 

The Assembly voted to APPROVE the proposition in third reading, with 46 votes for and 1 abstention.  

Watch from 26 minutes into this afternoon’s recording to watch the debate. 


The Minister for the Environment, Deputy Steve Luce, proposed an amendment to the Draft Sea Fisheries (Minimum Size Limits Limits) (Jersey) Regulations, to define a new minimum size for a lobster that can be retained and to remove exemptions in relation to swordfish and bluefin tuna. 


The Assembly voted to APPROVE the proposition in third reading unanimously, with 41 votes for. 

Skip to 1 hour and 6 minutes in this afternoon’s recording to watch the debate. 



The Chief Minister, Deputy Lyndon Farnham, proposed a draft Amendment Law, which is proposed with the associated amendment to Standing Orders, to allow for the delegation of specific responsibilities from the Chief Minister to the Deputy Chief Minister. This would mirror the arrangements that are already in place for Assistant Chief Ministers. 

The Assembly voted to APPROVE the proposition in third reading unanimously, with 41 votes for. 

Skip to 1 hour and 20 minutes in this afternoon’s recording to watch the debate. 



The Chief Minister, Deputy Lyndon Farnham, proposed an amendment to Standing Orders, which will allow the delegation of specific functions from the Chief Minister to the Deputy Chief Minister, to allow them to stand-in for the Chief Minister while lodging propositions, answering questions and presenting reports in the States Assembly. This would mirror arrangements already in place for Assistant Chief Ministers. 


The Assembly voted to APPROVE the proposition in a standing vote. 

Skip to 1 hour and 25 minutes in this afternoon’s recording to watch the debate. 



The Minister for Social Security, Deputy Lyndsay Feltham, proposed an amendment to the Employment (Jersey) Law 2003. The Government has committed to raising the minimum wage to two-thirds of average median earnings by the end of its term in office in 2026. The proposed amendment will enable the Minister to set minimum wage and offset rates by Ministerial Order without referring matters to the Employment Forum, until 31 March 2026. 


The Assembly voted to APPROVE the proposition in third reading, with 34 votes for, 7 votes against, and 4 abstentions. 

Skip to 1 hour 30 minutes in this afternoon’s recording to watch the debate. 


Deputy Inna Gardiner proposed, as amended by herself, that all 16-18 year olds should receive fully funded education or professional training in Jersey by July 2025, there should be necessary long-term funding in the Government Plan 2026-2029, and education legislation should be reviewed to increase participation in education or professional training up to 18 years old. 

Deputy Gardiner withdrew her amendment to her proposition.

Watch from 2 hours 13 minutes in this afternoon’s recording to watch the beginning of the debate. 


The States Assembly then adjourned and will reconvene tomorrow, Wednesday 17 July at 9:30am, to continue the debate on fully funding education or training for all 16-18 year olds.

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