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  • Deputy D.W. Mezbourian (Chairman, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel): 86 … STATEMENT ON A MATTER BY THE MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT AND TECHNICAL SERVICES 103 … I will now move on to …
  • Senator T.A. Le Sueur (The Minister for Treasury and Resources): 28 … Senator W. Kinnard (The Minister for Home Affairs): 30 … Deputy A.D. Lewis of St. John (Assistant Minister for Home …
  • ARRANGEMENT OF PUBLIC BUSINESS FOR THE PRESENT MEETING 23 … Deputy S. Pitman of St. Helier: 23 … Deputy C.A. Labey of Grouville: 23 … The Greffier of the States (in the Chair): 27 …
  • STATEMENT ON A MATTER OF OFFICAL RESPONSIBILITY 6 … Senator T.A. Le Sueur (Deputy Chief Minister): 8 … Deputy C.H. Egré of St. Peter (Vice-Chairman, Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel …
  • APPOINTMENT OF MINISTERS, COMMITTEES AND PANELS 8 … Senator P.F. Routier (The Minister for Social Security): 20 … Senator M.E. Vibert (The Minister for Education, Sport and Culture): 24 …
  • The Deputy of St. John (The Minister for Home Affairs): 2 … Connétable, I understand that you wish to propose a suspension of the Standing Order … I wonder if it would be sensible if I …
  • Deputy P.J.D Ryan (Chairman, Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel): 40 … The Deputy Greffier of the States (in the Chair): 43 … Deputy G.P. Southern (Chairman, Economic Affairs Scrutiny …
  • ARRANGEMENT OF PUBLIC BUSINESS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS 39 … The Roll was called and the Deputy Greffier led the Assembly in Prayer … Deputy Huet was the next, I see … That is solely all it is …
  • The Greffier of the States (in the Chair): 33 … The Roll was called and the Dean led the Assembly in Prayer … We come now to the continuation of Public Business … By the time this was all …
  • Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré of St. Lawrence: 4 … Connétable G.W. Fisher of St. Lawrence: 4 … The Greffier of the States (in the Chair): 28 … The Roll was called and the Dean led the Assembly …
  • Senator T.J. Le Main (The Minister for Housing): 30 … Senator B.E. Shenton (The Minister for Health and Social Services): 32 … Senator W. Kinnard (The Minister for Home Affairs): 34 …
  • 63RD ANNIVERSARY OF THE LIBERATION OF JERSEY 2 … The Roll was called and the Dean led the Assembly in Prayer … On this very special occasion - the 63rd anniversary of our Liberation by …
  • Senator P.F. Routier (The Minister for Social Security): 30 … Senator T.A. Le Sueur (The Minister for Treasury and Resources): 32 … Deputy G.W.J. de Faye of St. Helier (The Minister for …
  • Deputy G.W.J. de Faye of St. Helier (The Minister for Transport and Technical Services): 17 … Senator P.F. Routier (The Minister for Social Security): 20 …
  • Senator P.F. Routier (The Minister for Social Security): 3 … Deputy A.D. Lewis of St. John: 6 … Deputy R.C. Duhamel of St. Saviour: 8 … ARRANGEMENT OF PUBLIC BUSINESS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS …
  • ELECTION OF CHIEF MINISTER DESIGNATE 3 … The Roll was called and the Dean led the Assembly in Prayer … May I first of all in Members’ names extend a warm welcome as customary to His …
  • Deputy A.D. Lewis of St. John (The Minister for Home Affairs): 22 … Senator B.E. Shenton (The Minister for Health and Social Services): 23 … Senator P.F. Routier (The Minister for …
  • The Greffier of the States (in the Chair): 4 … The Connétable of St. Helier: 4 … Deputy R.C. Duhamel of St. Saviour: 5 … Deputy P.N. Troy of St. Brelade: 5 … Deputy J. Gallichan of St. Mary …
  • Senator P.F. Routier (The Minister for Social Security): 28 … Senator W. Kinnard (The Minister for Home Affairs): 29 … Senator T.A. Le Sueur (The Minister for Treasury and Resources …
  • The Roll was called and the Dean led the Assembly in Prayer … The Greffier of the States (in the Chair … The debate continues on the amendments to paragraph (b) of the Annual Business …
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