States Meeting Summary - 27 February

27th February 2024


This week's States Meeting began with a tribute made by the Deputy Bailiff to former States Member Simon Brée, who was Deputy of St Clement from 2014-2018 and who sadly passed away earlier this month.

Mr Brée was heavily involved with Scrutiny during his time in the Assembly, serving on a range of panels and acting as chair of the Economic Affairs panel and Vice-Chair of the Corporate Services Panel.

Watch from 6 minutes into this morning's recording to hear the tribute.


Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning

The Chief Minister, Deputy Lyndon Farnham, nominated Deputy Rob Ward as the new Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning.

As the only nominated candidate, Deputy Ward gave a speech and answered questions from the Assembly. He was then appointed to this Ministerial role.

Watch from 12 minutes into this morning's recording to hear Deputy Rob Ward's speech and answers to questions from the Assembly.


President of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee

The States Assembly were asked to appoint a new President of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee. SLC maintains oversight of the work of the Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee.

The candidates were Deputy Inna Gardiner and Deputy Catherine Curtis.

Deputy Gardiner was elected as President of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee with 25 votes.

Deputy Curtis received 16 votes, and there were 3 abstentions.

Watch from 39 minutes into this morning's recording to hear Deputy Gardiner's speech and answers to questions from the Assembly.

Watch from 56 minutes into this morning's recording to hear Deputy Curtis' speech and answers to questions from the Assembly. 

States Members that voted for Deputy Inna Gardiner (pour), Deputy Catherine Curtis (contre), and abstained from voting, are listed below. Connétable of St. Helier, Connétable of St. Brelade (excused attendance), Deputy Carolyn Labey, Deputy Philip Ozouf (ill) and Deputy Moz Scott (ill) were not present for the vote: 




​Connétable of St. John

​Connétable of St. Lawrence

​Connétable of St. Martin

​Connétable of St. Clement

​Connétable of Trinity

​Deputy Steve Luce

​Connétable of St. Mary

​Connétable of St. Peter

​Deputy Lyndon Farnham

​Connétable of St. Saviour

​Connétable of Grouville

​Deputy Louise Doublet

​Connétable of St. Ouen

​Deputy Kirsten Morel

​Deputy Geoff Southern

​Deputy Steve Ahier

​Deputy Montfort Tadier

​Deputy Inna Gardiner

​Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

​Deputy Ian Gorst

​Deputy Rob Ward

​Deputy Kristina Moore

​Deputy Carina Alves

​Deputy Sir Philip Bailhache

​Deputy Sam Mézec

​Deputy David Warr

​Deputy Tom Coles

​Deputy Helen Miles

​Deputy Beatriz Porée

​Deputy Jonathan Renouf

​Deputy Catherine Curtis

​Deputy Rose Binet

​Deputy Lyndsay Feltham

​Deputy Hilary Jeune

​Deputy Raluca Kovacs

​Deputy Elaine Millar

​Deputy Andy Howell

​Deputy Tom Binet

​Deputy Malcolm Ferey

​Deputy Alex Curtis

​Deputy Barbara Ward

​Deputy Karen Wilson

​Deputy Lucy Stephenson

​Deputy Max Andrews


Members of the Privileges and Procedures Committee

The States Assembly were asked to appoint new Members to the Privileges and Procedures Committee. PPC is responsible for the procedures of the States Assembly, for members' facilities and the code of conduct for members.

The nominees were Deputy Lucy Stephenson, Deputy Tom Coles, Deputy Steve Ahier, Deputy Jonathan Renouf, and Deputy Karen Wilson.

States Members voted in a secret ballot. Deputy Ahier, Deputy Stephenson and Deputy Coles were appointed as members of the Privileges and Procedures Committee with 27, 25, and 23 votes respectively.
Deputy Renouf gained 21 votes and Deputy Wilson gained 18 votes.

Deputy Carina Alves and Connétable Mike Jackson, who hold Assistant Ministerial positions, were also nominated and appointed as members of PPC.

Watch from 1 hour and 20 minutes into this morning's recording to hear the nominations and from 1 hour and 40 minutes to hear the results of the votes.


Public Accounts Committee Members

The States Assembly was then asked to elect new members to the Public Accounts Committee.

PAC determines whether public funds have been used efficiently, effectively, and economically to deliver value for money for Islanders.

The nominees were Deputy Karen Wilson and Deputy Raluca Kovacs. As the only nominees, these Deputies were appointed.

Watch from 1 hour and 27 minutes into this morning's recording to hear the nominations.


Scrutiny Panel Members

The Assembly then selected new members for the four Scrutiny Panels requiring new members.

The Connétable of St Mary, Deputy Max Andrews, Deputy Alex Curtis, Deputy Lucy Stephenson and Deputy Jonathan Renouf were appointed to the Corporate Services Panel.

Deputy Geoff Southern, Deputy Max Andrews, and Deputy Karen Wilson were appointed to the Economic and International Affairs Panel.

Deputy Tom Coles, Deputy Alex Curtis, Deputy David Warr and the Connétable of St Mary were appointed to the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel.

Deputy Philip Bailhache, Deputy Jonathan Renouf, and Deputy Lucy Stephenson were appointed to the Health and Social Security Panel.

Watch from 1 hour and 29 minutes into this morning's recording to hear the appointment of these Members to the Scrutiny Panels.


Planning Committee Members

The States Assembly then appointed new members of the Planning Committee.

The Planning Committee considers planning applications and grants or refuses planning permission.

The nominees were Deputy Steve Ahier, the Connétable of Grouville, Deputy

Kristina Moore and Deputy Hilary Jeune.

Deputy Steve Ahier and the Connétable of Grouville were appointed as members of the Planning Committee with 30 votes and 21 votes respectively.

Deputy Moore gained 16 votes and Deputy Jeune gained 13 votes.

Watch from 1 hour and 34 minutes into this morning's recording to hear the nominations.


Questions with notice

States Members then asked questions with notice.

Go to page 7 of the Order Paper to find out which questions were asked and watch from 1 hour 3 minutes into this morning's recording to hear questions with notice in full. 


Questions without notice

States Members then asked the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs, Deputy Mary Le Hegarat; the Minister for International Development, Deputy Carolyn Labey; and the Chief Minister, Deputy Lyndon Farnham, questions without notice for 15 minutes each.

Go to 2 hours and 33 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the questions without notice.


Public Business


Ceasefire in Gaza

Deputy Montfort Tadier proposed that the States Assembly should express their profound sadness and dismay at the extent of loss of civilian lives in Gaza and Israel and condemn the taking of hostages and all acts of aggression which violate international law.

The proposition also asked States Members to agree:

• That a permanent ceasefire should be established, and all hostages released

• That international law should be adhered to in order to stop further loss of civilian lives

• That the interim ruling of the International Court of Justice in South Africa's case against Israel be respected

• That a diplomatic solution to end the conflict should be pursued by the UK Government and allies to secure lasting peace in the region

• That the Government of Jersey express the Assembly views to the UK Government.


Minister for External Relations, Deputy Ian Gorst proposed to amend Deputy Tadier's proposition. Deputy Gorst's first amendment asked States Members to agree that "an immediate suspension of hostilities should be established to enable the unconditional release of hostages and those held under unlawful detention, the urgent provision of humanitarian assistance, and a permanent ceasefire" among other changes from the original proposition.


Deputy Gorst also proposed a second amendment to his initial amendment which removed the phrase "two-state". He proposed that the Assembly considered his amendment as amended.


The States Assembly voted to approve five out of six parts of Deputy Ian Gorst's amendments:

Amendment part 1: 45 votes for, 0 votes against

Amendment part 2: 35 votes for, 10 votes against

Amendment part 3: 26 votes for, 19 votes against

Amendment part 4: 29 votes for, 16 votes against

Amendment part 5: 31 votes for 14 votes against

Amendment part 6 was rejected, 15 votes for, 30 votes against.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE Deputy Tadier's proposition, as amended, with 45 votes for, 0 votes against, and 0 abstentions.

Watch from the beginning of this afternoon's recording to watch the debate.


Jersey Overseas Aid: Re-appointment of a Commissioner

The Minister for International Development, Deputy Carolyn Labey, proposed that Mr. Alistair Calvert should be re-appointed as a non-States Commissioner of the Jersey Overseas Aid Commission effective from 20th March 2024 until 20th March 2027.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE Deputy Carolyn Labey's proposition.

Watch from three hours and four minutes into this afternoon's recording to watch the debate.


Cabinet Office expenditure savings

Deputy Max Andrews proposed that the States Assembly should request the Chief Minister to review the revenue expenditure of the Cabinet Office and ensure that expenditure savings are identified and included within the Government Plan 2025-2028.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE Deputy Andrews' proposition, with 38 votes for, 0 votes against, and 1 abstention.

Watch from three hours and six minutes into this afternoon's recording to watch the debate.



The States Assembly then adjourned and will reconvene at 9:30am on Tuesday 19 March. 

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