States Meeting Summary: 12-13 September 2023

13th September 2023

Tuesday 12 September

Appointments and Resignations

This week's States Meeting began with the resignation of Deputy Max Andrews as Vice Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, as well as the nomination of Connétable Marcus Troy as a Panel Member to the Children, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel.

Skip to 10 minutes into this morning's recording to watch in full.


Question Time 

Questions with notice 

To begin this week's States Meeting, the Ministers answered States Members' questions with notice. Skip to page 7 of the Order Paper to find out which questions were asked and watch from 11 minutes into this morning's recording to hear questions with notice in full. 

Questions without notice 

States Members then asked the Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Inna Gardiner; Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Ian Gorst; and the Chief Minister, Deputy Kristina Moore, questions without notice for 15 minutes each.

Skip to 2 hours and 7 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the questions without notice.


Deputy Max Andrews of St Helier North then gave a personal statement.

Skip 2 hours and 53 minutes of this morning's recording to watch the statement in full.

Public Business

Vote of Censure: Deputy M.B Andrews of St. Helier North

The Privileges and Procedures committee (PPC) proposed to censure Deputy Max Andrews of St Helier North, whom PPC has determined breached the Code of Conduct for Elected Members.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the PPC's proposition, with 45 votes for, 0 votes against and 0 abstentions.

Skip to 2 hours and 57 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the debate.


Amendment to Standing Orders – the establishment of PPC sub-committees

The Privileges and Procedures Committee (PPC) proposed an amendment to Standing Orders to establish PPC sub-committees to support diversity and inclusivity in the States Assembly and review the machinery of Government.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the PPC's proposition, with 39 votes for, 0 votes against, and 0 abstentions.

Go to the beginning of this afternoon's recording to watch the debate.


Financial support for local disasters

Deputy Lyndon Farnham proposed that financial support should be available for Islanders affected by local disasters, and that the Minister for Treasury & Resources should ensure that provision is made for delivery of this support in the next Government Plan. 

The States Assembly voted to REJECT Deputy Farnham's proposition, with 18 votes for, 27 votes against, and 0 abstentions.

Go to 5 minutes into this afternoon's recording to watch the debate.


Draft Financial Services Regulations

Deputy Elaine Millar, acting as rapporteur for the Chief Minister, Deputy Kristina Moore, proposed to amend the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998 so that arranging for another person to deal in investments, & operating an investment exchange, will fall under the definition of financial service businesses.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the Chief Minister's proposition in third reading in a standing vote.

Skip to 1 hour and 20 minutes into this afternoon's recording to watch the debate.


Draft Cold Weather Bonus and Payments Regulations

The Minister for Social Security proposed to repeat Cold Weather Bonus payments of £70 per month to lower income pensioner households and some households receiving income support for cold weather months between Oct 2023 and March 2024.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the Minister for Social Security's proposition, with 45 votes for, 0 votes against and 0 abstentions.

Skip to 1 hour and 28 minutes into this afternoon's recording to watch the debate.


GST on menstrual sanitary products – Rescindment

The Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Ian Gorst, proposed to rescind the States decision to exempt GST from menstrual sanitary products & continue to implement a scheme by the Council of Ministers to provide free products to those who need them.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE Deputy Gorst's proposition, with 25 votes for, 21 votes against and 0 abstentions.

Skip to 1 hour and 33 minutes into this afternoon's recording to watch the debate.

Wednesday 13 September

Public Business

Increase to Christmas Bonus

Deputy Rob Ward proposed to increase the Christmas Bonus for 2023 from £84.87 to £114.19 to reflect inflation (part A). Deputy Ward chose to discard part B of his proposition, which was to increase the amount of the Christmas Bonus in line with rises in the Jersey retail prices index as at March of each subsequent year.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE Deputy Ward's proposition (part A), with 46 votes for, 0 votes against and 0 abstentions.

Watch from the beginning of this morning's recording to watch the debate in full.


Income Support Medical Appeal Tribunal: Re-appointment of Member

The Minister for Social Security, Deputy Elaine Millar, proposed to re-appoint Dr Benjamin Griffiths as a member of the Income Support Medical Appeal Tribunal, for a period of four years.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the Minister for Social Security's proposition in a standing vote.

Skip to 30 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the debate.


Social Security Medical Appeal Tribunal: Re-appointment of Member

The Minister for Social Security, Deputy Elaine Millar, proposed to re-appoint Dr Benjamin Griffiths as a member of the Social Security Medical Appeal Tribunal, for a period of four years.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the Minister for Social Security's proposition in a standing vote.

Skip to 35 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the debate.


New Stamp Duty Rates

Deputy Max Andrews proposed to increase the Stamp Duty payable on all transactions in excess of £2,000,000, with the changes to take effect from January 2024. The States Assembly were asked to vote on withdrawing this proposition.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the withdrawal of Deputy Max Andrews' proposition, with 41 votes for, 1 vote against and 7 abstentions.

Skip to 43 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the debate.


Reinstate the re-use centre at La Collette

Deputy Catherine Curtis proposed to reinstate the re-use centre at La Collette by the end of 2023, in the existing purpose-built building and with the centre to be operated by Government of Jersey employees. The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Tom Binet, proposed an amendment to this proposition, calling to reinstate the re-use centre by April 2024.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE Deputy Catherine Curtis' proposition as amended by Deputy Tom Binet, with 44 votes for, 2 vote against and 0 abstentions.

Watch from 1 hour 8 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the debate.


The States Meeting then adjourned and will recommence on Tuesday 03 October.

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