States Meeting Summary - Tuesday 06 and Wednesday 07 February

7th February 2024


This week’s States Meeting began with the appointment of new Chairs to several Scrutiny Panels. 


Public Accounts Committee 
The States Assembly needed to choose a new Chair of the Public Accounts Committee. The PAC determines whether public funds have been used efficiently, effectively, and economically in order to deliver value for money for Islanders. Deputy Inna Gardiner was the sole candidate for this role and was therefore appointed as Chair of the Public Accounts Committee. 

Watch from 10 minutes into this morning’s recording to hear Deputy Gardiner’s speech and answers to questions from the Assembly. 


Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel 

The Assembly then selected a new Chair for the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel, which reviews the policy and legislation arising from the work of the Chief Minister and the Minister for Treasury and Resources (excluding Financial Services). 

The candidates were Deputy Helen Miles and Deputy Montfort Tadier. 

Deputy Miles was elected as the Chair of the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel with 25 votes. 

Deputy Tadier received 20 votes, and there were no abstentions. 

Watch from 28 minutes into this morning’s recording to hear Deputy Miles’ speech and answers to questions from the Assembly. 

Watch from 1 hour into this morning’s recording to hear Deputy Tadier’s speech and answers to questions from the Assembly. 

States Members that voted for Deputy Miles (pour), Deputy Tadier (contre), and abstained from voting, are listed below. The Connétable of St. Lawrence, Deputy Farnham, Deputy Moore, and Deputy Millar did not vote.   





Connétable of St. Brelade 

Connétable of St. Helier 


Connétable of St. John 

Connétable of Trinity 


Connétable of St. Clement  

Connétable of St. Peter  


Connétable of Grouville 

Connétable of St. Martin  


Connétable of St. Mary 

Connétable of St. Ouen  


Deputy Steve Luce 

Connétable of St. Saviour  


Deputy Louise Doublet 

Deputy Geoff Southern 


Deputy Kirsten Morel 

Deputy Caroline Labey 


Deputy Steve Ahier 

Deputy Montfort Tadier 


Deputy Inna Gardiner 

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat 


Deputy Ian Gorst 

Deputy Rob Ward 


Deputy Philip Ozouf 

Deputy Carina Alves 


Deputy Philip Bailhache 

Deputy Sam Mézec 


Deputy David Warr 

Deputy Tom Coles 


Deputy Helen Miles 

Deputy Beatriz Porée 


Deputy Moz Scott 

Deputy Catherine Curtis 


Deputy Jonathon Renouf 

Deputy Lyndsay Feltham 


Deputy Rose Binet 

Deputy Tom Binet 


Deputy Hilary Jeune 

Deputy Raluca Kovacs 


Deputy Andy Howell 

Deputy Barbara Ward 


Deputy Malcolm Ferey 



Deputy Alex Curtis 



Deputy Karen Wilson 



Deputy Lucy Stephenson 



Deputy Max Andrews 




Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel 

The Assembly then selected a new Chair for the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel. This panel reviews policy and legislation related to financial services, external relations, and economic and international development. 

The candidates were Deputy Jonathan Renouf and Deputy Montfort Tadier. 

Deputy Tadier was elected as the Chair of the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel with 24 votes. 

Deputy Renouf received 17 votes, and there was 1 abstention. 

States Members that voted for Deputy Renouf (pour), Deputy Tadier (contre), and abstained from voting, are listed below. The Connétable of St. Lawrence, Deputy Carolyn Labey, Deputy Steve Luce, Deputy Kirsten Morel, Deputy Ian Gorst, Deputy Lyndon Farnham, and Deputy Kristina Moore did not vote.   





Connétable of St. Martin  

Connétable of St. Helier 

Deputy Moz Scott 

Connétable of St. John 

Connétable of St. Brelade 


Connétable of St. Mary 

Connétable of Trinity 


Deputy Louise Doublet 

Connétable of St. Peter  


Deputy Steve Ahier 

Connétable of St. Clement  


Deputy Inna Gardiner 

Connétable of Grouville 


Deputy Philip Ozouf 

Connétable of St. Ouen  


Deputy Philip Bailhache 

Connétable of St. Saviour  


Deputy David Warr 

Deputy Geoff Southern 


Deputy Helen Miles 

Deputy Montfort Tadier 


Deputy Jonathon Renouf 

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat 


Deputy Hilary Jeune 

Deputy Rob Ward 


Deputy Elaine Millar 

Deputy Carina Alves 


Deputy Malcolm Ferey 

Deputy Sam Mézec 


Deputy Alex Curtis 

Deputy Tom Coles 


Deputy Karen Wilson 

Deputy Beatriz Porée 


Deputy Lucy Stephenson 

Deputy Catherine Curtis 



Deputy Lyndsay Feltham 



Deputy Rose Binet 



Deputy Andy Howell 



Deputy Tom Binet 



Deputy Raluca Kovacs 



Deputy Barbara Ward 



Deputy Max Andrews 






Watch from 1 hour and 36 minutes into this morning’s recording to hear Deputy Renouf’s speech and answers to questions from the Assembly. 

Watch from 2 hours and 6 minutes into this morning’s recording to hear Deputy Tadier’s speech and answers to questions from the Assembly. 


Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel 

The Assembly then appointed a new Chair for the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel, which covers matters relating to the policies and legislation put forward by Ministers in these three areas of government work. 

Deputy Hilary Jeune was the sole candidate for this role and was therefore appointed as Chair of the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel. 

Watch from 2 hours and 30 minutes into this morning’s recording to hear Deputy Jeuene’s speech and answers to questions from the Assembly.  


Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel 

The Assembly then appointed a new Chair for the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel which reviews matters relating to the policies and legislation put forward by the Ministers for Health and Social Services and Social Security. 

The candidates were Deputy Louise Doublet and Deputy Beatriz Porée. Deputy Doublet was elected as the Chair of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel with 24 votes. 

Deputy Porée received 21votes, and there was 1 abstention. 

States Members that voted for Deputy Doublet (pour), Deputy Porée (contre), and abstained from voting, are listed below. Deputy Tom Binet, Deputy Lyndsay Feltham and Deputy Kristina Moore did not vote. 





Connétable of St. Helier 

Connétable of St. Lawrence 

Deputy Moz Scott 

Connétable of St. Clement  

Connétable of St. Brelade 


Connétable of St. Mary 

Connétable of Trinity 


Connétable of St. Saviour  

Connétable of St. Peter  


Deputy Carolyn Labey 

Connétable of St. Martin  


Deputy Louise Doublet 

Connétable of St. John 


Deputy Kirsten Morel 

Connétable of Grouville 


Deputy Steve Ahier 

Connétable of St. Ouen  


Deputy Inna Gardiner 

Deputy Geoff Southern 


Deputy Ian Gorst 

Deputy Montfort Tadier 


Deputy Philip Ozouf 

Deputy Steve Luce 


Deputy Philip Bailhache 

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat 


Deputy David Warr 

Deputy Rob Ward 


Deputy Helen Miles 

Deputy Carina Alves 


Deputy Jonathon Renouf 

Deputy Lyndon Farnham 


Deputy Rose Binet 

Deputy Sam Mézec 


Deputy Hilary Jeune 

Deputy Tom Coles 


Deputy Elaine Millar 

Deputy Beatriz Porée 


Deputy Andy Howell 

Deputy Catherine Curtis 


Deputy Malcolm Ferey 

Deputy Raluca Kovacs 


Deputy Barbara Ward 

Deputy Alex Curtis 


Deputy Karen Wilson 



Deputy Lucy Stephenson 



Deputy Max Andrews 







Watch from the beginning of this afternoon’s recording to hear Deputy Doublet’s speech and answers to questions from the Assembly. 


Watch from 32 minutes into this afternoon’s recording to hear Deputy Porée’s speech and answers to questions from the Assembly. 


States Employment Board 

The States Assembly voted in a secret ballot to elect two Members of the States Employment Board. This Board is the employer of all public employees in Jersey and is responsible for fixing those employees’ terms and conditions. It is chaired by the Chief Minister and required two members who are not Ministers or Assistant Ministers. 

Candidates were: Deputy Kovacs, the Connétable of St Clement, Deputy Bailache, and Deputy Ahier. There were no speeches or questions. 

Deputy Ahier and the Connétable of St Clement were elected by secret ballot as the two members of the States Employment Board. 

Deputy Ahier received 23 votes 

Deputy Kovacs received 16 votes 

Deputy Bailhache received 18 votes 

The Connétable of St Clement received 31 votes. 



Questions with notice 

States Members then asked questions with notice.  

Go to page 5 of the Order Paper to find out which questions were asked and watch from 1 hour 3 minutes into this afternoon’s recording to hear questions with notice in full.  


Questions without notice 

States Members then asked the Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Tom Binet questions without notice for 15 minutes. 

Skip to 3 hours and 4 minutes into this afternoon’s recording to watch the questions without notice.   



The States Assembly then adjourned and will reconvene at 9:30am on Wednesday 7 February. 


States Meeting Summary 07 February


Questions without notice

States Members began today's States Meeting by continuing questions without notice, asking the Minister for Housing and Communities, Deputy Sam Mézec, and the Chief Minister, Deputy Lyndon Farnham, questions without notice for 15 minutes each.

Watch from the start of this morning's recording to watch the remainder of questions without notice.


Public Business

Draft Crime (Public Order) (Jersey) Law 202-

The Minister for Justice and Home Affairs proposed to update the Draft Crime (Public Order) (Jersey) Law, to update public order legislation by creating statutory offences relating to public order & consolidating existing offences relating to disorderly conduct in the criminal law.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs' proposition in the third reading, with 43 votes for, 0 votes against, and 0 abstentions.  

Skip to 45 minutes into this morning's recording to watch the debate and vote in full.


Requirement for Seconder at Time of Lodging a Proposition

Deputy Malcolm Ferey proposed that the Privileges and Procedures Committee brings forward, before June 2024, amendments to the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey to require that any proposition brought by a Member of the States in their own right, be seconded at the time of lodging, removing the Bailiff's requirement to ask for a seconder from the Assembly floor.

The States Assembly voted to REJECT Deputy Malcolm Ferey's proposition, with 5 votes for, 38 votes against, and 0 abstentions.  

Watch from 2 hours into this this morning's recording to watch the debate and vote in full.


Draft Wills and Succession (Amendment No. 3 – Collateral Succession of Immovable Estate) (Jersey) Law 202-.

The Chief Minister proposed a Draft Wills and Successions (Amendment No. 3 – Collateral Succession of Immovable Estate) (Jersey) Law. This amendment would bring Jersey into compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and ensure that if a person dies intestate (i.e. without a will) and has no spouse, civil partner, or children, the paternal side of the family is no longer favoured. It will do this by abolishing the distinction between propres and acquêts in the customary law relating to intestate collateral succession.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE the Chief Minister's proposition in the third reading, in a standing vote.

Watch from 2 hours 52 minutes into this this morning's recording to watch the debate and vote in full.


The Seaside Café at Greve De Lecq, acquisition by the pubic and transfer to the National Trust for Jersey.

Deputy Lyndon Farnham proposed that the public acquire the land and property of the former Seaside Café at Grève De Lecq for the sum of £3.6m and gift it to the National Trust for Jersey for environmental, cultural and social benefit to the public, as amended by Deputy Lucy Stephenson.

The States Assembly voted to APPROVE Parts A, B, C and D of Deputy Lyndon Farnham's proposition, as amended by Deputy Lucy Stephenson.

Watch from 3 hours 5 minutes into this this morning's recording to watch the reading of the proposition, and from the beginning of this afternoon's recording to watch the debate and vote in full.



The States Assembly then adjourned and will reconvene at 9:30am on Tuesday 27 February.

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