Privileges and Procedures Committee

The Privileges and Procedures Committee is responsible for the procedures of the States Assembly, for members' facilities and the code of conduct for members.

The next meeting of the Privileges and Procedures Committee is

Monday 9th September 2024

​The Terms of Reference for the Committee are as follows:

  • to keep under review the composition, the practices and the procedures of the States as Jersey's legislature and bring forward for approval by the States amendments to the Law and standing orders as considered appropriate;
  • to keep under review the rules for enfranchisement and for the conduct of elections and to bring forward for approval by the States amendments to the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002 as considered appropriate;
  • to be responsible, in accordance with Article 10(2)(b) of the Public Finances Law, for the submission of proposed amounts to be appropriated under a government plan in relation to the States Greffe for a financial year, and to ensure that the budget of the States is utilised in the most effective and cost-effective manner possible;
  • to be responsible for the provision of accommodation, services, and facilities for members of the States and to bring forward for approval, as appropriate, recommendations for improvements and changes to these facilities;
  • to liaise as necessary with any person or body directed by the States to review the remuneration and expenses of elected members on all matters relating to such remuneration and expenses, and to bring forward for approval, as necessary, proposals relating to the terms of reference of any such person or body or to the arrangements relating to the remuneration of elected members;
  • to take the necessary steps for the enforcement of the code of conduct for members of the States and in this context to promote high standards amongst members of the States and to champion and defend the privileges of members of the States;
  • to be responsible for the provision of information to the public about the work of the States and the work of the Council of Ministers, the scrutiny panels, and the PAC, and to keep these public information services under review;
  • to keep under review the procedures and enactments relating to public access to official information and the procedures relating to access to information for elected members;
  • to produce, in consultation with the Bailiff, the scrutiny liaison committee and the Greffier, an annual report on the work of the States and of committees and panels established by standing orders and present the report to the States.
  • to establish –
    • a sub-committee, the membership of which is representative of the diversity of the States Assembly.
  • to ensure that the Assembly's framework of rules and the support and facilities available for States Members encourage the development of a diverse and inclusive Assembly;
  • to work to increase the diversity of candidates standing for election to the Assembly, by identifying and addressing the principal barriers to achieving diversity and providing candidates with assistance to stand;
  • to work with the Council of Ministers to promote and remove barriers to inclusion and equal opportunity for all;
  • a sub-committee –
    • to engage with the public about the work of the States Assembly and to work with other bodies seeking to engage and encourage the public's interest in politics;
    •  to raise awareness amongst all Islanders of the entitlement and reasons to vote;
    • to identify training needs of individuals working with young people and other relevant professionals and to develop ageappropriate teaching materials;
    • to ensure information about the States Assembly is included within the induction programme for all new States' employees;
    • to identify proposals and initiatives, in conjunction with other relevant stakeholders, that will further the sub-committee's work and to report its findings to PPC;
  • a sub-committee, comprising at least two members of the States who are Ministers or Assistant Ministers, and at least two members of the States who are not Ministers or Assistant Ministers –
  • to keep under review the machinery of government;
  • to follow up on the implementation of recommendations of previous reviews of machinery of government; and to report its findings and recommendations to PPC and Council of Ministers from time to time, in order for its report to be presented to the States; and
    • such other sub-committees as PPC sees fit in order to consider particular matters arising from the terms of reference.
  • to develop and maintain a States decision tracker, with the tracker to be updated every quarter and published on the States Assembly website to ensure accessibility by States Members and the public.



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