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Scrutiny Review Date

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​A review of the proposals to introduce solid and liquid waste charges for non-householders

The Panel has now published its report.

Scrutiny Review Progress

Terms Of Reference

1.  To consider the rationale behind the introduction of user pays charges for non-household waste.

2.  To assess the charging mechanisms and determine how they will be applied.

3.  To determine whether the proposed charges are reasonable and fair.

4. To consider the potential impact of the proposed charges, alongside the current charges, on non-     householders.

5.  To determine what impact the proposed charges will have on environmental behaviours. 

6.  To assess the adequacy of the present facilities in regards to waste management and recycling. 

7.  To assess how the issue of fly-tipping will be addressed in respect of the proposed solid waste charges. 

Scrutiny Review Status

Ministerial Response

Ministerial Response 2

Ministerial Response 3

Final Report

Scrutiny Panel

Lead Officer 1

Lead Officer 2

Lead Officer 3

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